How to prepare it for easier digestion: Making your own sauerkraut is not as hard as it seems, and is a great way to ensure it contains quality ingredients, like organic cabbage. They’ll all be made with cabbage, as that’s built right into the name, so you’ll be getting the nutritious properties of cabbage no matter which style you go with. There are several types of sauerkraut, and as long as they’ve been fermented they should help with your digestion. Your digestive system relies on a healthy supply of good bacteria, and sauerkraut helps add to those digestive bacteria. It’s the lactic acid bacteria that works the digestive magic once you eat it. Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage that is not only easy to digest but can improve your body’s ability to digest the other foods eaten in a meal.
See which type of yogurt is best for you to digest, full fat, low-fat, or non-fat. How to prepare it for easier digestion: You’ll want to buy plain yogurt without the added fruit, as in most prepared yogurts that means more sugar, or artificial sweeteners if they’re labeled as light. If you go with Greek yogurt you’ll be getting even more protein per ounce, and it still contains the live cultures that yogurt does. In addition to the probiotics yogurt contains, it is also a good source of protein and calcium.

It has a thicker consistency and a different flavor. Greek yogurt is regular yogurt that has been strained to remove the whey. There are basically two types of yogurt you can go with, regular and Greek. Here we outline the ten best foods you can eat for improved digestion, as well as spell out which foods have been known to muck up the digestive system when consumed.Įven though yogurt is a dairy product, and dairy products can cause stomach upset in those with lactose sensitivity, it is well tolerated by most and offers benefits to the digestive system not found in most foods. Some foods are notorious for being difficult to digest, while others rate as being easily digested and passed through the system, or even improving your digestion by providing important bacteria it needs, as well as fiber to help balance out foods that don’t contain any fiber at all. The digestive system is so important for your overall health and well-being that it’s in your best interest to keep it functioning at its best with foods that you tolerate well.

Eating easily digestible foods is one way to make sure that your digestive system gets a break and can function more smoothly.